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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of the modern workplace, reshaping how we work, collaborate and achieve our goals. Asana, Inc. - a pioneering work management platform - recently unveiled its "State of AI at Work Report," drawing on insights from its Work Innovation Lab. This report not only highlights the increasing role of AI but also underscores the need for comprehensive guidance to navigate this AI-driven landscape.

The report showcases a significant trend: 36% of employees in the United States (U.S.) and the United Kingdom (U.K.) now incorporate AI into their work routines on a weekly basis. This statistic reflects a growing recognition of AI's strategic significance, with 55% of executives expecting their organisations to leverage AI for goal-setting and 61% expressing confidence that AI will outperform traditional methods in driving their companies toward their objectives.

Moreover, employees are not just passively accepting AI; they are eagerly embracing it as a strategic tool. Over half (51%) of executives are willing to invest more in workplace tools enhanced by AI capabilities. AI's applications at work are expanding rapidly, with 30% of employees using it for data analysis and 25% for administrative tasks. However 62% and 57% of employees respectively are eager to leverage AI for data analysis and administrative tasks. Even in creative domains, AI's potential is being recognised, as 45% of U.S. employees express interest in using AI for brainstorming, compared to 32% in the U.K.

Surprisingly, the prospect of AI assessing employee performance garnered interest, particularly in the U.S., where 38% of employees welcomed the idea - compared to 28% in the U.K. An intriguing revelation was that 15% of U.S. workers would entertain the notion of AI serving as their boss, nearly double the proportion in the U.K.

However, amid this eagerness for AI integration, concerns emerge. Approximately 26% of workers fret about being perceived as indolent for utilising AI, while 20% admitted feeling fraudulent for relying on AI support – a sentiment more pronounced among U.K. workers.

The report's findings also illuminate a pressing need for comprehensive guidance and training. A mere 24% of companies currently offer policies or guidelines on AI usage at work - and only 17% of employees received training on incorporating AI into their daily tasks. The gap is particularly evident in the U.K., where a mere 13% of companies offer such training, compared to 23% in the U.S.

The report stresses the urgency of bridging these gaps, as 48% of employees desire more direction from their employers on effective AI utilisation. Additionally, 39% acknowledge that a lack of AI training influences their decision to join a company.

Transparency about AI deployment also ranks high, with 59% of employees considering a company’s openness about AI usage a pivotal factor when evaluating potential employers.

Asana's "State of AI at Work Report" offers a revealing glimpse into the evolving landscape of AI in the workplace. While AI's transformative potential is being embraced with enthusiasm, there is a clear need for organisations to provide guidance, training and transparency to ensure that employees can harness the power of AI effectively and without fear.

Saket Srivastava, Chief Information Officer at Asana, commented:

“Our study shows that more employees are now embracing AI at work. Employees see the potential of AI to save time and help them focus on more strategic tasks. However, there are clear obstacles, with some employees harboring concerns about how their AI use could be perceived by peers and managers. Employees can’t navigate this AI shift alone. They need clear guidelines to understand AI's role in their functions, along with tailored training and accessible technologies to fully harness AI's capabilities. Organizations that get this right will leverage AI in a way that unlocks new levels of human ingenuity.”